
Showing posts from March, 2025

Cub Chatter - 3/7/2023

  From the desk of Mrs. D :) A happy heart makes the face cheerful! Proverbs 15:13 Call, text, or email Anytime 920-407-3000 Upcoming Events:  3/8/2025 - 5:15pm - Worship Opportunity 3/9/2025 - 8:00 or 10:30am - Worship Opportunity  3/10/2025 - Please use Funeral Pick up and Drop Off on Pine St. 3/17-21/2025 - No School - Spring Break 4/2/2025 - Lenten Supper Serving - Info next week! 4/12/2025 - 9:00-11:00am - Easter JAM! 4/17-21/2025 - No School - Easter Celebration 5/19/2025 - Farm Field Trip - More info coming or by request "Serve one another in love." Jesus teaches us this lesson with his parable(story) of the Good Samaritan. In his story, Jesus shows a man who showed love even when he wasn't "supposed to."  Two men who outwardly said they loved the Lord didn't stop to help the man who had been beaten. The Samaritan not only stopped when he was the least likely candidate, but also helped and cared for the beaten man. Jesus tel...

Important Dates - Week of 3/10/2025

Emanuel Events This Week Monday Butter Braid sales begin Musical rehearsal at 3:30 pm Tuesday Musical rehearsal at 3:30 pm Wednesday Lenten worship at 3:30 pm Lenten meal at 4:30 pm Lenten worship at 7:00 pm Crossroads Youth Group (Grades 5-8) at 7:00 pm Thursday 3rd-grade field trip at 9:45 am Musical rehearsal at 3:30 pm Friday School chapel at 8:05 am JAM! at 8:15 am Saturday Worship at 5:15 pm Sunday Worship at 8:00/10:30 am Sunday School/Bible study between services at 9:15 am Open gym for adults at 5:00 pm Bells Alive practice at 6:00 pm

Anticipating Worship: First Sunday in Lent, March 9, 2025—Triumph for Those Terrorized by Temptation

There are few things that crush the human soul more than the realization of helplessness. Such was the reality confronting the demoralized army of Israel and their disgraced king, Saul. Every day, the evil threats of their giant enemy echoed across the valley and into their ears. But one day, a new champion stood up in their defense. David defeated Goliath and left us a great story of the triumph of good versus evil. But it is more than a story. It is a picture of the greater battle fought and won by Christ on behalf of the Church opposed by her mortal enemy, Satan. The relief we need desperately is not found in ourselves but in the sinless substitution of Jesus.   Want to hear more? See you this weekend: Saturday at 5:15 p.m. • Sunday at 8 a.m. • Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

EVENT CHANGES DUE TO WEATHER for Wednesday, March 5, 2025

SCHOOL In coordination with the New London School District, Emanuel Lutheran School will be CLOSING EARLY AT 1:00 PM ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5. AFTERNOON PRE-K IS CANCELLED. Buses will pick students up at 1:00 and run normal routes. TIGER CUB CARE WILL REMAIN OPEN. If your care needs have to be changed or added, the drop-in fee will be waived; regular hourly rates still apply. Limited spots are available on a first-come, first-served basis. IF YOU NEED TO ADD OR CHANGE CARE, YOU MUST CONTACT MRS. D DIRECTLY AT (920) 407-3000. CHURCH To keep all our parishioners safe, please note the following cancellations for tonight’s activities: Ash Wednesday worship service with Holy Communion at 3:30 PM will proceed as planned. However, if you feel travel is unsafe, you can join us online at . Church choir members who are comfortable attending are still invited to sing in this service. The Lenten supper, scheduled from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM, is canceled. The 7:00 PM Ash...

Join Us for a New Worship Series Beginning March 9: Jesus, Refuge of the Weary

Having seen the glory of Christ revealed throughout the seasons of Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany, the Christian Church now turns her attention to the road that will lead Christ to resurrection glory by way of the cross. But the road down which Christ leads us is a difficult one. During the 40 days of Lent, God calls his children to lives of repentance over the sins that impede and harass us every step of the way.  But we do not journey aimlessly or alone during Lent. On the contrary, we Christ in the lead, unmoved and unphased. And while the passion history gives us glimpses into his humiliation, the Sundays in Lent, give us a glimpse of his inevitable victory. As often as we stumble, Christ succeeds. As often as we witness our own failures, Christ bestows forgiveness.  For this reason, “Sundays have never been counted as part of the forty days. Thus, they are labeled Sundays in Lent rather than Sundays of Lent. Chrysostom referred to them as ‘inns… and havens, for those to ...

Important Dates - Week of 3/3/2025

Emanuel Events This Week Monday Musical rehearsal at 3:30 pm Tuesday 5th-8th grade field trip at 8:40 am Musical rehearsal at 3:30 pm Wednesday Kindergarten field trip at 11:30 am Ash Wednesday worship at 3:30 pm Lenten meal at 4:30 pm Ash Wednesday worship at 7:00 pm Crossroads Youth Group (Grades 5-8) at 7:00 pm Thursday Musical rehearsal at 3:30 pm School Board meeting at 6:00 pm Friday NO BUS School chapel at 8:05 am JAM! at 8:15 am Cheerleading lock-in (overnight) Saturday Worship at 5:15 pm Sunday DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME (set clocks forward 1 hour) Worship at 8:00/10:30 am (Lutheran Ceili Orchestra) Bible study between services at 9:15 am NO SUNDAY SCHOOL Open gym for adults at 5:00 pm Bells Alive practice at 6:00 pm