Anticipating Worship: First Sunday in Lent, March 9, 2025—Triumph for Those Terrorized by Temptation

There are few things that crush the human soul more than the realization of helplessness. Such was the reality confronting the demoralized army of Israel and their disgraced king, Saul. Every day, the evil threats of their giant enemy echoed across the valley and into their ears. But one day, a new champion stood up in their defense. David defeated Goliath and left us a great story of the triumph of good versus evil. But it is more than a story. It is a picture of the greater battle fought and won by Christ on behalf of the Church opposed by her mortal enemy, Satan. The relief we need desperately is not found in ourselves but in the sinless substitution of Jesus.  

Want to hear more? See you this weekend: Saturday at 5:15 p.m. • Sunday at 8 a.m. • Sunday at 10:30 a.m.