Join Us for a New Worship Series Beginning March 9: Jesus, Refuge of the Weary
Having seen the glory of Christ revealed throughout the seasons of Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany, the Christian Church now turns her attention to the road that will lead Christ to resurrection glory by way of the cross. But the road down which Christ leads us is a difficult one. During the 40 days of Lent, God calls his children to lives of repentance over the sins that impede and harass us every step of the way.
But we do not journey aimlessly or alone during Lent. On the contrary, we Christ in the lead, unmoved and unphased. And while the passion history gives us glimpses into his humiliation, the Sundays in Lent, give us a glimpse of his inevitable victory. As often as we stumble, Christ succeeds. As often as we witness our own failures, Christ bestows forgiveness. For this reason, “Sundays have never been counted as part of the forty days. Thus, they are labeled Sundays in Lent rather than Sundays of Lent. Chrysostom referred to them as ‘inns… and havens, for those to rest in who have taken upon them the course of fasting in this holy time of Lent, that they may refresh their bodies a little from the labors of fasting.’ (Homily XI on Genesis) While worship during Lent is solemn and muted, the gospel remains our central focus as we prepare our hearts for Easter.
This year’s Lenten series is drawn from the title of a hymn written during the Middle Ages. When the faithful were beset by questions such as “Where can I find rest for my soul? How can I struggle against sin? What is God’s plan for me? How will a righteous God treat a rebellious child?” The papacy offered the wretched answer, “Do what is in you.” Proto-reformers, among them Giordano Savonarola offered the true answer in terms of justification: Jesus [is the] Refuge of the Weary, [the] Redeemer, whom we love, [the] fountain in life’s desert dreary, [the] Savior from the world above.
Join us this Lent for our new series:
March 9 | Triumph for those Terrorized by Temptation
March 16 | Safety for Those Searching for Security
March 23 | An Answer for Those Encountering Anxiety
March 30 | Generosity for Those Grappling with Guilt
April 6 | Grace for Those Governed by Greed