
Showing posts from March, 2023

Cub Chatter - 3/31/2023

   From the desk of Mrs. D :) A happy heart makes the face cheerful! Proverbs 15:13 Call, text, or email Anytime 920-407-3000 Upcoming Events:  April 1, 2023 - 9:00-11:00am - Easter JAM!  Flyer  JOIN US!! 4/1/2023 - 5:15p - Worship Opportunity 4/2/2023 - 8:00 or 10:30a - Worship Opportunity 4/3/2023 - 6:30p - Worship Opportunity 4/4/2023 - Butterbraid pick up 4/6/2023 - 3:30 or 7:00 - Holy Thursday Worship 4/7/2023 - 9:30am or 1:00pm - Good Friday Worship                     7:00pm - Tenebrae Worship 4/9/2023 - 6:00am - Sunrise Easter Worship                     7:00-10:00am - Easter Breakfast                     8:00 or 10:30am - Easter Worship April 6-10, 2023 - No School - Easter Break - Come celebrate the resurrection! "Zacchaeus was a wee little man, a wee little man was he!"   ...

Tiger Cub Care Sign Up #16

   Hello friends! Happy Tuesday!  Come worship tomorrow for the last Wednesday Lenten service and see the love that Jesus has for you!  Worship is 3:30 or 7:00 pm with supper in between! Please enter all care needed for the weeks of 4/3-14/2023.  DON'T FORGET: We celebrate the resurrection of our Lord with some days off - No  School Thursday, April 6 through Monday, April 10.  We will return to school on Tuesday, April 11. The current signup(#16) will close on Thursday, 3/30, at midnight.  As always, please reach out if you have any questions! (920-407-3000/ Click to sign up!

Important Dates - Week of 03/27/2023

Events This Week 3/27 Musical rehearsal @ 3:30-5:00pm Butter Braid orders due @ 4:00pm Worship @ 6:30pm Report cards released at 8:00pm 3/28 "Love for Lily" purple/yellow day Musical rehearsal @ 3:30-5:00pm Starting Point Bible information class @ 6:00pm 3/29 7th grade trip to FVL K-2nd trip to The Grand in Oshkosh Lent Midweek Worship 3:30/7:00pm Meal between services in church basement Crossroads youth group (5th-8th grade) @ 7:00pm 3/30 Musical rehearsal @ 3:30-5:00pm 3/31 School chapel @ 8:05am 4/1 Easter JAM! @ 9:00-11:00am Worship @ 5:15pm 4/2 Worship @ 8:00/10:30am Sunday School sings at 10:30 service only Bible study/Sunday school @ 9:15am Upcoming Important Dates 4/3 Worship @ 6:30pm 4/4 Butter Braid pick-up from 2:30-4:00 Starting Point Bible information class @ 6:00pm 4/5 School Board meeting @ 6:30pm Crossroads youth group (5th-8th grade) @ 7:00pm 4/6-4/10 NO SCHOOL - EASTER BREAK 4/6 Holy Thursday worship @ 3:30/7:00pm 4/7 Good Friday worship @ 9:30am/1:00pm Tene...

Hunter Safety Class - March 30 Registration Deadline

 Hunter Safety classes will be held this Spring; April 13 (registration night), 27 (first night), 29, May 1, 4, 6 (field day), and May 8. Please see the DNR website: . You are required to have a DNR customer number before registering, which can be done on this website. Follow the GoWild website to " register for a class " and search for "Hunter" and "Waupaca County". Look for the class at Emanuel Ev. Lutheran School. You must register to attend the class. Please contact Dean Spears at 920-843-2585 (no calls after 8:30 pm).  You must register Online for this class by March 30, in order for the materials to be received by and distributed on the materials night April 13.

Cub Chatter - 3/24/2023

   From the desk of Mrs. D :) A happy heart makes the face cheerful! Proverbs 15:13 Call, text, email Anytime 920-407-3000 Upcoming Events:  3/25/2023 - 5:15p - Worship Opportunity 3/26/2023 - 8:00 or 10:30a - Worship Opportunity 3/27/2023 - 6:30p - Worship Opportunity 3/29/2023 - 3:30 or 7:00p - Lenten Worship Opportunity - Supper served in between in church basement April 1, 2023 - 9:00-11:00am - Easter JAM! Flyer  Join us for a fun morning celebrating our Savior's resurrection! April 6-10, 2023 - No School - Easter Break - Come celebrate the resurrection! This week we learned the Bible lesson, "Jesus Blesses the Children."  We learned that the disciples tried to turn away small children and their families and this angered our Savior.  He said, "Let the children come to me."  Jesus showed his disciples that even the smallest children were important to him.  We want you to know that he says that to you too!  Bring ...

New London School District-Summer School

The New London School District offers a variety of summer school learning opportunities for students. If you are interested in viewing information about the Summer School program, please follow this link.  Summer School Program This summer the district will be providing two sessions of summer school. Session 1 runs from June 5-22nd and is open to students currently in grades 5-12. Session 1 is focused on remediation and intervention. Session 2 runs from July 10th-27th and is open to students entering 4K through 5th grade. This session offers educational and fun elective course options. The above link will provide more information on registration and course offerings.  The full course description and brochures are also available in the Emanuel office. 

Community shows its ‘Love for Lily’

When Lily Vande Burgt turns 7 on Tuesday, March 28, her well-wishers undoubtedly will be hoping for a happier year ahead... Read More  

Basketball Skills Camp

 For more information about the following coed basketball skills camp at Fox Valley Lutheran, visit .  

Important Dates - Week of 03/20/2023

Events This Week 3/20 Musical rehearsal @ 3:30-5:00pm Worship @ 6:30pm 3/21 Musical rehearsal @ 3:30-5:00pm Starting Point Bible information class @ 6:00pm 3/22 Lent Midweek Worship 3:30/7:00pm Meal between services in church basement Crossroads youth group (5th-8th grade) @ 7:00pm 3/23 6th-8th grade girls visit NLHS for STEM activity Musical rehearsal @ 3:30-5:00pm 3/24 School chapel @ 8:05am JAM! @ 8:15am END OF 3RD QUARTER 3/25 "Love for Lily" benefit at Crystal Falls, New London @ 12:00-7:00pm Worship @ 5:15pm 3/26 Worship @ 8:00/10:30am Grades 7/8 sing at both services Bible study/Sunday school @ 9:15am Upcoming Important Dates 3/27 Worship @ 6:30pm Report cards released at 8:00pm 3/28 Starting Point Bible information class @ 6:00pm 3/29 K-2 field trip @ 11:45am 7th grade field trip @ 9:00am Lent Midweek Worship 3:30/7:00pm Meal between services in church basement Crossroads youth group (5th-8th grade) @ 7:00pm 4/1 Easter JAM! @ 9:00am Worship @ 5:15pm 4/2 Worship @ 8:00...

Easter JAM 2023

We look forward to celebrating the Risen Savior with the excitement of our littlest lambs! All children up to age 5 are invited to bring their grown-ups, siblings, friends, and neighbors to join in praising the Lord for saving us from our sins! We will sing, craft, read, run, and play. All the fun is on April 1 from 9:00-11:00 am in the Emanuel Commons and Gym. Praying you can all join us!

Bear Creek Youth Baseball League

It’s time again to think about summertime fun and baseball!!!! Click  HERE for more information about the league. If you are interested in enrolling your child, registration forms can be found HERE , paper forms are also available in the Emanuel office. Please mail the completed form and payment to the address provided. If you have any questions about the Bear Creek Youth League contact Matt McGregor at (920) 540-5540 or

Cub Chatter - 3/10/2023

   From the desk of Mrs. D :) A happy heart makes the face cheerful! Proverbs 15:13 Call, text, email Anytime 920-407-3000 Upcoming Events:  3/11/2023 - 5:15p - Worship Opportunity 3/12/2023 - 8:00 or 10:30a - Worship Opportunity 3/13/2023 - 6:30p - Worship Opportunity 3/15/2023 - 3:30 or 7:00p - Lenten Worship Opportunity - Supper served in between in church basement 3/13-17/2023 - Spring Break - No School "Serve one another in love." Jesus teaches us this lesson with his parable(story) of the Good Samaritan. In his story, Jesus shows a man who showed love even when he wasn't "supposed to."  Two men who outwardly said they loved the Lord didn't stop to help the man who had been beaten. The Samaritan not only stopped, but also helped and cared for rhe beaten man. Jesus tells us this is how we should treat our neighbors. We acted out this lesson and that is a great way to help your children really remember the lesson. This video als...

Butter Braid Fundraiser

Emanuel Lutheran School is kicking off its fundraiser to raise money for athletic uniforms and equipment. The fundraiser will be running from March 6th, 2023 to March 27th, 2023. To order, simply click this link  and choose to either order from the Emanuel office or from one of our students. Thank you for supporting Emanuel Lutheran School!

Tiger Cub Care Sign Up #15

   Hello friends! May the Lord bless all of our spring breaks with rejuvenation both body and soul!  Don't forget Jesus while on break.  Come and worship on weekends and Wednesdays.  Find a church while out traveling!!  Fill your soul and see how your body follows! Please enter all care needed for the weeks of 3/20-31/2023.  DON'T FORGET: Lent continues Wednesdays, with worship at 3:30 and 7:00p in case that changes your schedules! The current signup(#15) will close on Thursday, 3/16, at midnight.  This is built-in extra time due to Spring Break, but don't let that help you forget!! As always, please reach out if you have any questions! (920-407-3000/ Click to sign up!

Important Dates - Week of 03/06/2023

Events This Week 3/6 Musical rehearsal @ 3:30-5:00pm Worship @ 6:30pm 3/7 Musical rehearsal @ 3:30-5:00pm Starting Point Bible information class @ 6:00pm 3/8 Lent Midweek Worship 3:30/7:00pm Meal between services in church basement Crossroads youth group (5th-8th grade) @ 7:00pm 3/9 Musical rehearsal @ 3:30-5:00pm Winter Sports Fun Night @ 6:00pm 3/10 School chapel @ 8:05am 3/11 Worship @ 5:15pm 3/12 Worship @ 8:00/10:30am The Lutheran Ceili Orchestra leading worship music at both services Bible study/Sunday school @ 9:15am Upcoming Important Dates 3/13-3/17 NO SCHOOL - SPRING BREAK

Cub Chatter - 3/3/2023

    From the desk of Mrs. D :) A happy heart makes the face cheerful! Proverbs 15:13 Call, text, email Anytime 920-407-3000 Upcoming Events:  3/5/2023 - 8:00 & 10:30a - WE SING!! (See below!) 3/5/2023 - 9:10-10:20a - Parenting the Love and Logic Way (upstairs in the science lab) last one! 3/8/2023 - 3:30 or 7:00p - Lenten Worship Opportunity - Supper served in between in church basement 3/13-17/2023 - Srping Break - No School We have the great privilege to sing in church this Sunday, March 5, at both services.  We ask that all children arrive by 7:45a in the church basement to warm up.  We will sit together as a class for the 8:00a service.  Then, as a class, we will walk to Sunday School.  Parents are invited to come to the Parenting the Love and Logic Way in the upstairs of the school.  We will walk back to the church to sing at the beginning of the 10:30a service.  After we sing for the second time, we will b...