Tiger Cub Care Sign Up #15
Hello friends!
May the Lord bless all of our spring breaks with rejuvenation both body and soul! Don't forget Jesus while on break. Come and worship on weekends and Wednesdays. Find a church while out traveling!! Fill your soul and see how your body follows!
Please enter all care needed for the weeks of 3/20-31/2023. DON'T FORGET: Lent continues Wednesdays, with worship at 3:30 and 7:00p in case that changes your schedules!
The current signup(#15) will close on Thursday, 3/16, at midnight. This is built-in extra time due to Spring Break, but don't let that help you forget!! As always, please reach out if you have any questions! (920-407-3000/mdobberstein@emanuelnl.org)