
Showing posts from October, 2021

Lunch Option 2 for Monday, November 1st

 Option 2 is a Chicken Patty, not a cheeseburger. 

Cub Chatter

From the desk of Mrs. D :) A happy heart makes the face cheerful! Proverbs 15:13 Call, text, email Anytime 920-407-3000/ Upcoming Events: October 30, 2021 - 5:15pm  - Worship opportunity October31, 2021 - 8:00am & 10:30am  November 1, 2021 - 6:30pm - Worship opportunity December 3, 2021 - 2:00-3:00pm - Christmas practice in church December 5, 2021 - 9:30am - 3P/4K Christmas Service in church This week we studied more about Moses and God's great plan for him.  Even though Moses was a sinner - he murdered an Egyptian and complained to God - God still wanted Moses to do His work!  Moses did complain..."But, but, but God!"  God answered all of His complaints and promised to be with him in his difficult job.  We complain too, but God is with us.  He will never leave us.  Even when things are not going the way we think they should be, God is there guiding us every step of the way.  Encourage the children to sing, "My G...

Teacher Meals for Parent/Teacher Conferences

  Parents, as you know next week is parent-teacher conferences here at Emanuel. That makes for some very long days for our teachers. We are looking to you for monetary donations so that we can provide meals for all of our teachers, to help get them through those long evenings. If you would like to contribute, any money can be brought to the office, or put into an envelope with Mrs. Eidenberger's name and placed in one of the drop boxes. If you could bring your money by end of the day on November 2nd, that would be great! 

Emanuel Apparel for sale through Nov 7th

 Who loves to wear Emanuel apparel? Our online store is now open. You can start shopping! This store  will close on Sunday, November 7th.  All orders are online only.  Click here to see the flyer  and to get the QR Code.  If you are purchasing apparel as a gift. Please notify Mrs. Eidenberger and she will set it aside and not send it home with your child.  Click here to shop

November Lunch Menu

 November Lunch Menu

10/25/21 Principal's Note

Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, impacts many people, especially in places like Wisconsin that experience drastic changes between seasons. In case you haven't heard of SAD before, Mayo Clinic defines it as, "A type of depression that's related to changes in seasons" ( Mayo Clinic website ). Most people with SAD experience symptoms from fall through winter, and one of the main reasons is because we have less sunlight during those times of the year. God gave us the sun for many reasons, one of which is that a beautiful, sunny day makes us feel good! Now that the seasons are changing, it's easier to notice how darkness has crept into our mornings. Those of you who see me greeting you at the door in the morning maybe have noticed that I don't have to squint into the sun quite as much, and no, it's not because I finally remembered to wear my sunglasses. With the sun rising later and later every day, those who are affected by SAD may start to feel a little l...

Grandparents' Afternoon for 3P-8

We invite all of our grandparents of our students 3P-8 into school for a great afternoon on October 26.  Please invite all of your amazing grandparents! Here is a sneak peek at the schedule for the day: 12:15-12:30pm Meet Grandchildren in the Narthex of Church 12:30-1:00pm Chapel Service in the Sanctuary 1:00-1:45pm Classroom Visits  1:45-2:45pm Special Program in the Gym 2:45-3:05pm Refreshments in the Commons We invite all of our families to create, bake, or buy a special treat for the grandparents as a way to say thank you for all that they do for us!  Treats may arrive Tuesday, October 26.  There will be tables in the commons ready for the donations!

What's Happening at Emanuel - Week of 10/25

      Events This Week Monday FVL 8th Grade Welcome - 4:00-8:00 @ FVL Tuesday No Busing Grandparents' Day - 12:30-3:00 Wednesday 8th grade baking project End of Quarter 1 Call meeting for 4th grade teacher - 5:30 Thursday No School - Teachers' Conference Friday No School - Teachers' Conference Sunday Joint Reformation service @ FVL - 4:00-5:30 Upcoming Important Dates 10/26 Grandparents' Day Fall Sports Night - 6:00pm 10/27 End of 1st Quarter 10/28-10/29 No School (Wisconsin Lutheran State Teachers' Conference) 11/3-11/5 Parent/Teacher Conferences 11/6 Pizza Fundraiser 11/7 Grades 5-8 sing in church (8:00/10:30) 11/8 Veterans' Day Presentation (Commons) 11/12 No Busing

Winter Sports Sign Up - Deadline Friday, October 22

Click on the link below to sign your child up for basketball or cheerleading. Basketball is for grades 4-8. Cheerleading is for grades 5-8. Coaches may click on the link to sign up for basketball or cheerleading as well! The deadline for signing up is Friday, October 22. LINK:  Winter Sports Sign Up If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Osterman.

No Bussing - Tuesday, October 26

 REMINDER: New London Public School doesn't have school on Tuesday, October 26th. NO BUSSING will be provided. Please be sure to find another form of transportation. Thank you. 

What's Happening at Emanuel - Week of 10/18

    Events This Week Monday Scholastic Book Fair sales open (on Commons stage) MAP testing continues Pizza sales continue Tuesday Scholastic Book Fair sales continue MAP testing continues Pizza sales continue Wednesday 4th-grade field trip to Mosquito Hill Scholastic Book Fair sales continue MAP testing continues Pizza sales continue Thursday 1st-grade field trip to Mulberry Farm 3P/4K Progression Party - 5:30-7:00 Scholastic Book Fair sales conclude MAP testing continues Pizza sales continue Friday Chapel in the church - 8:10 JAM in the commons - 8:15 MAP testing concludes Pizza sales conclude - forms to be turned in Sunday Grades 3-4 sing in church - 8:00/10:30 Forward  church renovation campaign Q&A between services Upcoming Important Dates 10/11-10/22 MAP testing grades 3-8 10/18-10/21 Scholastic Book Fair 10/21 Progression Party (3P/4K) 10/24 Grades 3-4 sing in church 10/26 Grandparents' Day Fall Sports Night - 6:00pm 10/27 End of 1st Quarter 10/28-10/29 No Schoo...

10/18/21 Principal's Note

"Are we there yet?" "Are we close?" Or, if you happen to be a child of the principal and on your way to a family birthday party this past weekend, "Are we even halfway there yet?" I know that you've all heard kids say phrases like these before. Did you ever stop to wonder why? As I sat in the driver's seat of my minivan on Saturday, yelling, "No, not even close!" for the fifth time, I realized something. My kids were asking that question over and over because they were worried. We were going to their cousins' house for a birthday party, and they were worried they would miss out on something because of the 90-minute drive. After I told them that the party didn't even officially start until 4:00 (it was 11:15 when the questions started), they stopped asking and relaxed. Do you ever worry about missing out on something? I think that's an easy question to answer. People are constantly worried about how they use their time, not hav...

Fall Sports Night 2021

All volleyball, soccer, and cross country athletes, coaches, and parents are invited to our fall sports night!  This will be a time for recognition, fellowship, and a little recreation.  Each sport will have an opportunity for a fun activity of competition involving both athletes and parents.  We will meet in the gym at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, October 26th.  If you are willing, please bring a treat to share at the end with the group.  You can sign up by clicking on the link below, or with Mrs. Osterman for treats!  This is also a great time to return uniforms if they haven’t been returned already.   I’m looking forward to celebrating a great fall season and hope you can all make it! Mrs. Osterman Click on the link to sign up for a treat: Sign Up List

Volunteers Needed

 We are looking for Volunteers for the below: 1. Looking for parents to purchase lunch for our Teachers to show them our appreciation to them. One day they don't have to plan on packing a lunch will make their day. They deserve it for all the hard work they do. Please contact Mrs. Eidenberger if you would like to purchase a lunch for a Teacher/Staff member(s).  2. Looking for parents to help out with our Grandparents Day on October 26th. Please contact Mrs. Zuberbier or Mrs. D for more informaiton.  Thank you!

Emanuel Apparel for sale now through Nov 7

Who loves to wear Emanuel apparel? Our online store is now open. You can start shopping! This store will close on Sunday, November 7th. All orders are online only. Click here to see the flyer and to get the QR Code.  If you are purchasing apparel as a gift. Please notify Mrs. Eidenberger and she will set it aside and not send it home with your child.  Click here to shop

Fall Sport Uniforms

 Reminder - Fall Sports have come to an end, besides A team Volleyball. Please turn in sport uniforms into the office to Mrs. Eidenberger or Mrs. Schaetz. 

Book Fair This Week

 It’s time again for the Emanuel Book Fair.  The fair will be held on the stage, Monday 10/18 thru Thursday 10/21/21.  The fair will be open Monday – Wednesday from 9am – 4:30pm and Thursday from 11:00am – 4:30 pm.   Online ordering via the link below is available from 10/18-10/31/21. Each class will have a time slot during the day to shop and we will also be open during lunchtime for students to shop.  An eWallet is available through Scholastic if you prefer not to send money with your student.  Follow this link to set up an eWallet: eWallet: A Safe, Cashless Way to Shop (  Please contact Brenda Batte with any questions  We look forward to seeing you at the fair! Book Fair link  

Pizza Fundraiser Happening Now

 Who doesn’t like a good pizza?  On November 6, teachers, parents, and other volunteers will be joining in a fun day of creating pizza in the commons at our school to raise funds that will go to new playground equipment at Emanuel School.  Our sale started last week and will continue this week. All orders and money are due Friday, October 22nd.  Pizza orders can be made using the order form and may be turned into the school office at any time.  Payment is required with the order. Please consider volunteering some time on that Saturday, Nov. 6, from 8am to 2pm. That is when we will assemble the pizzas. Some help will be needed from 2-4pm for pick up as well.  And most important, don’t forget to order early as October 22 is the absolute latest you can order. PIZZA PARTY!!! - GIVEN TO THE CLASSROOM WITH THE MOST PIZZAS SOLD!  Order Form click here

Grades 3 & 4 Sing this Weekend

 Reminder: Grades 3 & 4 will be singing in Church this Sunday at 8am and 10:30am Services. They will be singing the opening hymn. 

PenPals are Needed

  Pen Pals Needed:  Attention "Grandparents"! I am excited to announce that our annual first-grade pen pal program is back! 23 first graders are in need of a "grandparent"-aged person to write once (or more if desired) per month. Through correspondence, the first graders will gain awesome reading and writing skills! Most of all, they will gain a new, Christian friend! To sign up, stop in or call the school office at 920-982-5444.   Thank you for considering! Joy in Jesus, Ms. Sarah Jandron

Grades K-2 Sing this Weekend!

Reminder - Grades K-2nd sing this Sunday in church. They will sing at both the 8am and 10:30am Service. They will be singing the opening hymn. 

Winter Sports Sign Up

Click on the link below to sign your child up for basketball or cheerleading. Basketball is for grades 4-8. Cheerleading is for grades 5-8. Coaches may click on the link to sign up for basketball or cheerleading as well! The deadline for signing up is Friday, October 22. LINK:  Winter Sports Sign Up If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Osterman.

Book Fair Next Week

  It’s time again for the Emanuel Book Fair!  The fair will be held on the stage, Monday 10/18 thru Thursday 10/21/21.  The fair will be open Monday – Wednesday from 9am – 4:30pm and Thursday from 11:00am – 4:30 pm. This will be taking place on the stage in the commons. Online ordering via the link below is available from 10/18-10/31/21. Each class will have a time slot during the day to shop and we will also be open during lunchtime for students to shop.  An eWallet is available through Scholastic if you prefer not to send money with your student.  Follow this link to set up an eWallet: eWallet: A Safe, Cashless Way to Shop (  Please contact Brenda Batte with any questions  We look forward to seeing you at the fair! Book Fair link:

10/11/2021 Principal's Note

Good morning everyone; what a blessing to have another week in God's grace with you! Normally, Mondays are a bit sluggish at school; everyone is tired from all the fun they had over the weekend. Perhaps students and teachers did not get as much rest as they were hoping! Today, however, I am excited! This week I will be observing in your children's classrooms for the first time this school year. I love seeing our teachers at work! Studies have shown for years that general praise, i.e., "Good job," or, " "Way to go," is ineffective at motivating people. Up until now, I have only been able to give general praise to our teachers; I have not really had the opportunity to see them teach a whole lesson, or observe how they manage their classrooms. After today, I will be able to give teachers much more effective specific praise, like, "I saw you did ______ in your lesson today; that really helped the student you were working with!" Classroom observati...

What's Happening at Emanuel - Week of 10/11

  Events This Week Monday MAP testing for grades 3-8 begins Cross country meet @ Pierce Park, Appleton - 4:30 Tuesday Pizza fundraiser order forms go home Blood drive - 12:30 K-6 virtual children's theatre presentation A-team volleyball practice 3:15-4:30 Thursday A-team volleyball home vs. St. Peter, Weyauwega - 4:00 Friday Chapel in the church - 8:10 JAM in the commons - 8:15 Saturday A-team volleyball tournament @ FVL Sunday Grades K-2 sing in church - 8:00/10:30 Emanuel voters' meeting - after 8:00 service Upcoming Important Dates 10/11-10/22 MAP testing grades 3-8 10/16 A-team volleyball tournament @ FVL 10/17 K-2 sing in church 10/18-10/22 Scholastic Book Fair 10/21 Progression Party (3P/4K) 10/24 Grades 3-4 sing in church 10/26 Grandparents' Day 10/27 End of 1st Quarter 10/28-10/29 No School (Wisconsin Lutheran State Teachers' Conference)

Lunch Menu Change Friday 10/8/21

Unfortunately, we will need to make a menu change for Friday, 10/8/21.  Our French Toast sticks are currently experiencing production delays.  We will instead offer a Ham, Egg and Cheese Breakfast Sandwich for option one.  

"Forward" Church Renovation Kick-Off Video

This past weekend Emanuel Church kicked off a campaign called "Forward" which celebrates our sanctuary's 100th anniversary with exciting plans to renovate and restore our church facilities.   We invite your family to join us in worship to learn more! In the month of October, our worship will focus on God's truths for us as we learn about this ministry opportunity. Q & A sessions with church leaders will be offered at 9:15am Sundays between services, with childcare provided. Check out this video  to see the exciting things ahead for our church as we go FORWARD together... ...For the Glory of God  ...For Generations to Come  ...For the Community We Serve "This is the goal we are laboring to reach, striving with Christ's strength, which is so powerfully at work in us." (Colossians 1:29)

What's Happening at Emanuel?

Events This Week Wednesday 4:00 - C-team volleyball game @ Emanuel 4:45 - B-team volleyball practice 7:00 - School Board meeting in the TIGER room Thursday 3P/4K field trip to the fire station 3:15 - Cross country practice 4:00 - A/B-team volleyball games @ Emanuel Friday 8:00 - Chapel in the church 8:15 - JAM in the commons 1:00 - Kindergarten field trip to Mosquito Hill Saturday 8:00 - FVL B-team volleyball tournament @ Emanuel Sunday 8:00/10:30 - 3P/4K sing in church Upcoming Important Dates 10/11-10/22 MAP testing grades 3-8 10/16 A-team volleyball tournament @ FVL 10/17 K-2 sing in church 10/18-10/22 Scholastic Book Fair 10/21 Progression Party (3P/4K) 10/24 Grades 3-4 sing in church 10/26 Grandparents' Day 10/28-10/29 No School (Wisconsin Lutheran State Teachers' Conference)       

10/4/2021 Principal's Note

Welcome to another week in God's grace at Emanuel! Can you believe it's October already? Time flies when you're having fun (and when you're working hard, too; just ask your children!). October is a busy month at your school. Classroom church singing begins, sports seasons are at their height, FVL band is ramping up, teachers and students are well into their classroom routines, and I have the privilege of beginning my classroom observations. Also taking into account the heightened awareness of staff and student health, a hugely important capital campaign beginning for our church, and big changes in the weather on the horizon, we have a lot vying for our attention! Don't let it all get you distracted from what really matters. In Hebrews 12:1-2, the apostle Paul tells us, "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race ma...