Grandparents' Afternoon for 3P-8

We invite all of our grandparents of our students 3P-8 into school for a great afternoon on October 26.  Please invite all of your amazing grandparents! Here is a sneak peek at the schedule for the day:

12:15-12:30pm Meet Grandchildren in the Narthex of Church

12:30-1:00pm Chapel Service in the Sanctuary

1:00-1:45pm Classroom Visits 

1:45-2:45pm Special Program in the Gym

2:45-3:05pm Refreshments in the Commons

We invite all of our families to create, bake, or buy a special treat for the grandparents as a way to say thank you for all that they do for us!  Treats may arrive Tuesday, October 26.  There will be tables in the commons ready for the donations!