
Showing posts from September, 2021

Need of Pumpkins

 Our 6th-grade class is looking for 23 pumpkins to carve as a class assignment. If you have a pumpkin field and would like to donate any, this would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Mrs. Eidenberger at with any questions. 

Tiger Cub Care Scheduling Week October 4-15, 2021

The sign-up is now open to sign up for your care needed for the next two weeks(10/4-15/21). Please complete the sign-up as soon as possible, but no later than Thursday(9/30/21) at midnight to allow for the schedule to be completed in a timely manner.  Our child care is available to the whole school, 3P-8th grade and open 7:00 am - 5:30 pm, Monday through Friday! 3P and 4k students are welcome to attend on their off days too!  Coming soon, a new way to pay and track Tiger Cub Care fees. Watch for the invitation email to join the new system! Click here to sign up for care needed! Any questions, please see Mrs. D or message her at or (920)407-3000.

Emanuel Looks FORWARD

A new series starts this weekend and continues through the end of October. Emanuel is looking forward to a renovation project that will renew our worship for generations to come. Join us as we study how God himself will be with us as we go Forward.

October 2021 School Lunch Menu

 Here's the  October 2021 School Lunch Menu . Breakfast quotes funny mornings meals 25 Best ideas | Breakfast quotes, Lunch quotes, Funny quotes. (2021). Retrieved 27 September 2021

Pizza Time—Need Volunteers

November 6th- Pizza fundraiser- all-day event- need help prepping, making, and wrapping pizzas. 7th/8th can work without a parent, 4th/5th/6th need a parent present to help. Please call the office to sign up; 920-982-5444 or email (Due to all the activity that is going on during the day, 3rd grade and younger are unable to help. Sorry for the inconvenience.)  Please let us know as soon as possible. Depending on the number of volunteers will let us know if we can hold this fundraiser. Thank you.

9/27/2021 Principal's Note

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to do the wrong thing? If you haven't, just spend some time at your school with 200+ saint-sinners and it won't take long! Overall our students do a wonderful job representing their Savior, but they are by no means perfect. Name-calling, pushing and shoving, shirking responsibilities, and everything in between can be found at Emanuel. Sin is everywhere! Most of the time when a student makes a poor decision, it doesn't seem like they wrestle with the decision either. In the heat of the moment our sinful natures are very efficient at making the worldly (read: WRONG) choice; apologizing and asking for forgiveness seems to be much more difficult. In the book of Matthew, Jesus explained why we shouldn't be surprised: "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it" ...

9/20/2021 Principal's Note

  Grace and peace to you all, from our Lord Jesus Christ! As I sit in my office this morning, with no internet or phone service to be found in our entire building, I am reminded of one of my favorite Bible verses. You can find it in Psalm 46:10, where the writers, inspired by the Holy Spirit, said, “Be still, and know that I am God.” I love fishing, and that passage always makes me think about taking a big, thrashing fish off the hook once I land it in the boat. I often find myself saying to the fish, “Stop it, sit still so I can help you!” Isn’t that just like us? When faced with a problem in life, we thrash about, trying to fix things ourselves. Not only does our wild flailing not fix the problem, it often makes it worse, like a frantic fish driving the hook deeper into its flesh. Instead, we should follow the psalm writers’ words here. Pray to God for guidance, knowing that he has the answers. He might remove the problem immediately, or he may choose to allow it to remain for a ...

All-School Sing this Weekend

 All students are scheduled to sing in worship this Sunday, Sept. 19. Last names A-J will sing at 8:00 AM worship and K-Z will sing at 10:30 AM. Students should plan to sit with their families and will be invited to the front to sing the first song in the service. After they sing, they will return to their seats to worship with their families for the rest of the service. All families are also invited to join us that day for Sunday School in the gym (age 3 through 6th grade) and Bible Class in the church (Adults and grades 7-12) from 9:15-10:15am. If you are unable to attend, please contact your child’s teacher in advance. We look forward to worshipping with your family this weekend.

Attendance Line 920-250-6252

Parents & Caregivers, if your child is going to be missing any part of the school day, please call the Attendance Line (920-250-6252) or send an email to by 7:30 AM. Please also let us know if your child will need a hot lunch as well. Lunch count is submitted by 8:15 to the office. If we don’t know about the lunch, we can’t request it from the public school. 

Emanuel Alert Phone Line 920-472-4411

 As mentioned at Back-to-School night, Emanuel uses this phone number to notify families of last-minute schedule changes at school. Examples include snow days, late starts, early releases, last-minute changes to practices and games, etc. When this number calls you, please be sure to answer the call or listen to the voicemail. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Fuerstenau.

Volunteer Opportunities

 Throughout the school year, there are multiple opportunities to join in the fun and volunteer at Emanuel. All family members are encouraged to volunteer- especially parents and grandparents! If you are interested in volunteering for any of the opportunities listed below, please contact the listed staff or Mrs. Zuberbier. If you are looking for a list of all the other volunteer opportunities here at Emanuel, you can find them here.  All school year Teacher Appreciation Lunches- Volunteers are asked to purchase lunches for the teacher sometime during the month listed. There is a $10 limit for the lunches, and volunteers can turn in their receipts to the office for reimbursement if they wish. September 14th- Picture retake day & sports pictures- looking for someone who can help guide students where/when to go, talk to Mrs. Eidenberger if interested. October 26th- Grandparents Day- looking for multiple volunteers to help with a  variety of tasks that day, talk to Ms. Jan...

Fall Sports

Parents, if you did not have a chance to sign your child up for fall sports on Registration Night, please fill out the Google Form linked below. Fall sports include volleyball, cross country, and soccer. All athletic forms must be turned in to the school office or Mrs. Osterman before your child can participate in practices and games.  If you are interested in coaching, you may sign up on the Google Form linked below. We are still looking for a head cross country coach, along with helpers for soccer and volleyball.   If you have any questions, feel free to contact Mrs. Osterman or the school office. Click on the link to access the fall sports sign up: Emanuel Fall Sports Sign Up

Piano Lessons

 Piano lessons begin Tuesday, September 7th. The piano teachers will notify you and the classroom teacher of the date and time of the lesson. The first monthly or semester payment will be due by SEPTEMBER 7th as you will find in the first email. New students, please bring $20 to the office by AUGUST 27th so books can be purchased before lessons begin. Please direct questions to the teacher - Kim Mulder or Emily Rodrigue

Band Lessons

 Registration for the FVL Schools Band Program is now open! Students in Grades 5-8 are invited to participate (additional fees apply). Simply go to the FVL Schools Band Program website at to register. Please note the important dates below. Any questions? Contact James ( or Elisabeth (

Tiger Cub Care

 Our child care is available to the whole school, 3P-8th grade and open 7 am - 5:30 pm, Monday through Friday. 3P and 4k students are welcome to attend on their off days too.  For those registering for Tiger Cub Care, please email Mrs. D ( Coming soon, a new way to pay and track Tiger Cub Care fees. Watch for the invitation email to join the new system. We are excited to welcome the returning members of our staff. April Spoehr is our lead Tiger Cub Caregiver. Jane Verhagen, Julie Bestul, Nicole Close, and Victoria Duciaume, as caregiver assistants throughout the day in our Tiger Cub Care. We also welcome our newest members; Ashley Kuehl and Megan Westphal, to the team. Any questions, please see Mrs. D or message her at or (920) 407-3000.

Emanuel Lutheran Church Welcomes You

We welcome your family to join us for worship, Bible class, Sunday School, and fellowship events throughout the year at Emanuel Church. This week, a note will come home with more info about worship times and all the church programs we offer to your family. You can also read the digital version here. We hope to see you in God’s house soon. Welcome! Worship Times: Saturdays @ 5:15pm, Sundays @ 8 and 10:30am, Mondays @ 6:30pm

School Lunch Program

 Hot Lunch will be FREE this year for all our students. If a child takes a cold lunch and would like milk; the cost is $0.40. A child does have the right to bring a cold lunch AND take a hot lunch to receive their milk free if they wish.  Hot lunch menus are available in the office. There will be a choice of five fruits/vegetables combined available on the “Garden Cart.” If the students eat fruits and vegetables they initially selected, they are allowed to go back for seconds on the Garden Cart only.

Online Payments

 Text Payments for School Fees and Lunches: pay for your school fees and student lunches by texting “EmanLuth School” to the number 73256, then follow the prompts on your phone.  You may also click on the “donations & payments” link at or click on the following link:  Online Payment - Click Here


 Emanuel has a school Facebook page. We use the page to help people see what is happening at our school. Please check out our page at and share posts with others to help them learn about our school. Thank you!

Picture Retake Day & Sports Picture

 Picture retake day and Fall Sports picture day will take place on September 14th. If you are retaking pictures please return the package of pictures you ordered. All Sports athletes will be getting their pictures taken individually and with their team. Remember to bring your complete uniform.