Grace and peace to you all, from our Lord Jesus Christ! As I sit in my office this morning, with no internet or phone service to be found in our entire building, I am reminded of one of my favorite Bible verses. You can find it in Psalm 46:10, where the writers, inspired by the Holy Spirit, said, “Be still, and know that I am God.” I love fishing, and that passage always makes me think about taking a big, thrashing fish off the hook once I land it in the boat. I often find myself saying to the fish, “Stop it, sit still so I can help you!” Isn’t that just like us? When faced with a problem in life, we thrash about, trying to fix things ourselves. Not only does our wild flailing not fix the problem, it often makes it worse, like a frantic fish driving the hook deeper into its flesh. Instead, we should follow the psalm writers’ words here. Pray to God for guidance, knowing that he has the answers. He might remove the problem immediately, or he may choose to allow it to remain for a ...