Tiger Cub Care
Our child care is available to the whole school, 3P-8th grade and open 7 am - 5:30 pm, Monday through Friday. 3P and 4k students are welcome to attend on their off days too.
For those registering for Tiger Cub Care, please email Mrs. D (mdobberstein@emanuelnl.org). Coming soon, a new way to pay and track Tiger Cub Care fees. Watch for the invitation email to join the new system.
We are excited to welcome the returning members of our staff. April Spoehr is our lead Tiger Cub Caregiver. Jane Verhagen, Julie Bestul, Nicole Close, and Victoria Duciaume, as caregiver assistants throughout the day in our Tiger Cub Care. We also welcome our newest members; Ashley Kuehl and Megan Westphal, to the team.
Any questions, please see Mrs. D or message her at mdobberstein@emanuelnl.org or (920) 407-3000.