Volunteer Opportunities
Throughout the school year, there are multiple opportunities to join in the fun and volunteer at Emanuel. All family members are encouraged to volunteer- especially parents and grandparents! If you are interested in volunteering for any of the opportunities listed below, please contact the listed staff or Mrs. Zuberbier. If you are looking for a list of all the other volunteer opportunities here at Emanuel, you can find them here.
All school year
Teacher Appreciation Lunches- Volunteers are asked to purchase lunches for the teacher sometime during the month listed. There is a $10 limit for the lunches, and volunteers can turn in their receipts to the office for reimbursement if they wish.
14th- Picture retake day & sports pictures- looking for someone who can help guide students where/when to go, talk to Mrs. Eidenberger if interested.
26th- Grandparents Day- looking for multiple volunteers to help with a variety of tasks that day, talk to Ms. Jandron or Mrs. D. if interested.