Worship Volunteers NEEDED - Training Sessions Scheduled

This December, our renovation project will be complete and many will be eager to return to Emanuel’s new worship space! As a result, we are recruiting many new volunteers to make our church warm and welcoming and to help services run smoothly. Volunteering is flexible to fit your schedule. Please consider which opportunity below fits your spiritual gifts and CLICK HERE to register for a training session. 

We are also asking all RETURNING VOLUNTEERS to attend training to get oriented to the new sanctuary. Thank you for serving our church family!

Usher/Greeter Training:
Wed, Nov. 13, 7:00 pm
Sun, Nov. 17, 9:15 am

Worship Tech Training:
Wed, Nov. 6, 7:00 pm
Sun, Nov. 10, 9:15 am

GREETERS - Greeters present a friendly face to all who come to worship. Greeters stand near church entrances, holding a door and welcoming everyone who enters. This is a great opportunity for families to serve together! Children of all ages are invited to serve. If you are blessed with an outgoing personality, have the gift of hospitality, and enjoy meeting new people, this would be a great fit for you! 

USHERS - Ushers offer a helping hand and make sure God’s house is ready for guests. They ensure worship runs smoothly by handing out bulletins, collecting and depositing offerings, lighting candles, ringing the bell, and counting attendance. If you have the gift of service, responsibility, and hospitality, this is a great spot for you. This is also a great place to serve those with health and safety expertise. Families can serve together! Older children aged 6th grade and up are especially invited to serve by themselves or with a family member.

WORSHIP TECH TEAM - This team produces media during worship. Volunteers ensure worship looks good and sounds good in person and online by managing projected visuals, radio station recordings, YouTube live streams and amplified audio. Worship Tech Assistants complete simpler tasks such as advancing worship slides (8th-grade students and up). Worship Tech Leads will be trained on more complex tasks (students with advanced gifts or adults). Because this team requires a specialized skill set, Worship Tech Leads are paid a stipend for each service they assist. If you enjoy and have experience with technology, please consider serving on the Worship Tech Team.
