Cub Chatter 10/4/2024

  • From the desk of Mrs. D :)
  • A happy heart makes the face cheerful! Proverbs 15:13
  • Call, text, or email Anytime
  • 920-407-3000
Upcoming Events: 
10/3/2024 - 5:15pm - Worship Opportunity
10/4/2024 - 8:00 or 10:30am - Worship Worship 
10/4/2024 - 9:20am - Family Bible Study - come and join me!  We will have things for the children!
10/9/2024 - Picture Retakes - See below!
10/10/2024 - Police/Fire Field trip - Please return the permission slip!
10/11/2024 - JAM Time! Continues!
10/18/2024 - Grandparents' Day - YES! Your children and their Grandparents are invited for a special Friday!  Please ask any questions!
10/24/2024 - No School - Teachers' Conference
11/4-7/2024 - Parent/Teacher Conferences - Sign up coming soon!
  • "In all things, God works for the good of those who love Him."(Romans 8:28)  We hear this verse and pray that it is true.  Joseph lived its very meaning.  Joseph had brothers who hated him.  They treated him poorly, hurt him, and even tried to kill him.  In the end, he was sold away into slavery in Egypt.  Through all of the misfortune and results of sin, Joseph stayed close to God.  He called upon Him for help and support.  Next week we will learn how God used the results of sin to protect Joseph and ultimately all of God's people.  As you walk through life, remember the Lord is with you.  He will make the results of sin work for the good of His kingdom.  Keep praying and leaning on Him!  He is our strength!
  • Our field trip is coming this Thursday, October 10.  Each class will attend during their normal class times.  The children and chaperones will travel on a bus to and from the stations.  Please reach out if you have any questions about our upcoming learning excursion!
  • We are so excited to have our students invite their grandparents or other special people in their lives to come and share a morning at Emanuel with us!  On Friday(yes Friday!! A special extra day!), October 18, students are encouraged to bring their grandparents to school with them for the morning.  Remember, this is a half day(7:40-11:30 am).  If students' grandparents are unable to attend, please feel free to invite other special people in their lives to attend.  We are thrilled at the opportunity to share the love of Jesus that fills Emanuel every day with grandparents and special guests!
  •  October Thrive Time Video  This month we will be learning about the amygdala in the brain.  This is the part of the brain that helps us to think critically.  It is fully developed by age 25-27.  It is like a muscle in that the more you use the more it develops.  A big take-away from this video that I gathered was the "how" to strengthen it. One example was giving choices and letting them live with it.  In the video, "Would you like long or short pajamas?"  When the child chooses long pajamas even when it is warm, the grown up says, "you'll be ok." The child is hot and then remembers she/he didn't like that.  A school example is "Would you like to have snack or continue to play?"  When the child is hungry after the time of snack expires, I have to say no.  The child learns to say yes to snack before time expires.  The biggest trick as the grown up is to allow the child to "suffer" the outcome of their decisions.  As long as we know they are safe either way, allow them to choose!
  • In movement time, we began learning some new skills in phy ed!  At the beginning of the year, we focus on all the different motions are body makes.  This week we worked on controlled walking and running within our "neighborhoods."
  • This week we began making police officer badges.  We are making them as we prepare for our field trip.  Through this process, we are also learning our last names!  That is what goes on a badge!
  • Harmann Studios will be returning on October 9th for picture retakes. All students and staff not previously photographed at Back-to-School Day will have their picture taken. They are only taking pictures from 9 am-10 am. Students will only be photographed if they are on the list because they were not at Back-to-School Day or if they requested a retake before October 7th. Please sign up at the below link before October 7.                                                                                          Your child's picture will not be taken if not signed up in advance.
  • We are searching for book readers Mondays or Wednesdays from 1:30-2:30!  We would love to have you join us at the snack table to assist with our snack and read us stories!  Reach out if you have interest!