Cub Chatter 10/18/2024


  • From the desk of Mrs. D :)
  • A happy heart makes the face cheerful! Proverbs 15:13
  • Call, text, or email Anytime
  • 920-407-3000
Upcoming Events: 
10/19/2024 - 5:15pm - Worship Opportunity
10/20/2024 - 8:00 or 10:30am - Worship Worship 
10/24/2024 - No School - Teachers' Conference
11/4-7/2024 - Parent/Teacher Conferences - Sign up coming soon!
  • God took all of the bad things in Joseph's life and used them for the good of Joseph and the good of all the people.  Through Joseph being sold into slavery in Egypt, God saved thousands from famine.  Joseph was given the opportunity to shine for his amazing God to the Egyptians.  The Lord worked through the results of sin to create glorious results.  We can watch our lives and see how God's hand is with us.  How he takes a situation we can't figure out and shows us how He can make it work out.  May we trust in the Lord just as Joseph did!
  • Grandparents Day was a huge success! We had 23 students join us in PK. Over 240 grandparents visited our school in all! What a blessing from our God to have such amazing support!
  •  October Thrive Time Video  This month we will be learning about the amygdala in the brain.  This is the part of the brain that helps us to think critically.  It is fully developed by age 25-27.  It is like a muscle in that the more you use the more it develops.  A big take-away from this video that I gathered was the "how" to strengthen it. One example was giving choices and letting them live with it.  In the video, "Would you like long or short pajamas?"  When the child chooses long pajamas even when it is warm, the grown up says, "you'll be ok." The child is hot and then remembers she/he didn't like that.  A school example is "Would you like to have snack or continue to play?"  When the child is hungry after the time of snack expires, I have to say no.  The child learns to say yes to snack before time expires.  The biggest trick as the grown up is to allow the child to "suffer" the outcome of their decisions.  As long as we know they are safe either way, allow them to choose!
  • In movement time, we began learning some new skills in phy ed!  At the beginning of the year, we focus on all the different motions are body makes.  This week we worked on hopping with 2 feet, hopping on one foot, and sliding!
  • We had Pastor Dorn visit Thursday afternoon to read a story! We just love seeing him in our classroom! Come see him on Sunday in church...He loves that!!
  • We are doing our one on one assessments this week. We call them our questions. Each child sits with me and demonstrates what they know! We will discuss this information at parent teacher conferences.
  • We are searching for book readers Mondays or Wednesdays from 1:30-2:30!  We would love to have you join us at the snack table to assist with our snack and read us stories!  Reach out if you have interest!