Cub Chatter - 1/19/2024

  • From the desk of Mrs. D :)
  • A happy heart makes the face cheerful! Proverbs 15:13
  • Call, text, email Anytime
  • 920-407-3000
Upcoming Events: 
1/20/2024 - 5:15p - Worship Opportunity
1/21/2024 - 8:00a or 10:30a - Worship Opportunity
1/22/2024 - 6:30p - Worship Opportunity
1/26/2024 - 8:15a - JAM! Time 
2/8&9/2024 - No School - Teachers' Conference
2/14/2024 - EC & TCC Serve Lenten Supper (Come and help!  See below!)
2/14/2024 - Valentine's Days(See Below)

Postponed - Early Childhood(EC) Pledge of Allegiance(in progess

  • This week we learned how Jesus came to be baptized.  He didn't need to be baptized.  He didn't need to be washed clean.  He didn't need to do any of that, but he did just for us!  We learned that baptism is the water and the word.  God's word with the water is the sacrament that washes us clean.  The Holy Spirit uses baptism to give us faith!  What a great blessing to receive something we do not deserve! 
  • We began the 3rd quarter on Monday, January 15.  Watch for your child's hallway spot to change!  This is good practice in finding their name while they hang up their own things!
  • Our new opportunity to serve has been postponed due to a COVID outbreak in the nursing home.  We will not be traveling to St. Joe's on January 29.  We will look for time later in the school year to visit St. Joe's.
  • When God closes one door, He opens another!  We have an opportunity to serve!  We are serving the very first Lenten Supper to serve our church family during the Lent season.  Our church family does so much for us from providing supplies and volunteering in our room, to praying for us.  This is a way that we might give back!  Click on the sign-up to read more and sign up to volunteer! Lenten Supper Sign-Up
  • Word of Mouth is our biggest advertiser!  Keep inviting your friends and family to join us at Emanuel!  Spots are limited and filling fast.  Encourage applications as soon as possible!
  • I am still working with our athletic director to reschedule our Pledge of Allegiance!  Please watch for a future date!
  • We are looking ahead to a celebration of love...showing Jesus' love!  We will celebrate Valentine's Day in our classroom on February 14 & 15.  Children are invited to share the love of Jesus with their friends by bringing a special Valentine for each friend.  Please only place your child's name in the "from" spot so that it is possible for each child to hand out their own.  If we place our friends' names on the cards, we can't read them to hand them out!  These two days we will also invite special treats of all kinds, healthy and super fun!  Any questions, please reach out!
  • Please send warm snow clothes EVERY DAY!!  Even when there isn't snow, we use them to stay warm!
  •  The new assessment piece, Kaymbu, is in place!  We are so excited to share in pictures and anecdotes growth and learning with you!