Cub Chatter 5/12/2023


  • From the desk of Mrs. D :)
  • A happy heart makes the face cheerful! Proverbs 15:13
  • Call, text, or email Anytime
  • 920-407-3000
Upcoming Events: 
5/13/2023 - 5:15pm - Worship Opportunity
5/14/2023 - 8:00 or 10:30am - Worship Worship - First Communion of our 8th graders!
5/15/2023 - 6:30pm - Worship Opportunity
5/18/2023 - during class - Try 5K!
5/22/2023 - Farm Field Trip (both morning and afternoon) Info coming Monday!
  • "Blessed are they who do not see and yet believe." Jesus encourages and blesses us with these words. We are those who have not seen Jesus, and yet we believe! The Holy Spirit gives us faith that Jesus was sent by our Heavenly Father to rise and save us! May we never doubt this message. Come and strengthen your faith regularly at church, JAM, and in devotion at home!  
  • Your child has the very exciting opportunity to "Try 5K!" On Thursday during class, your child will transition to Mrs. Jensen's kindergarten class. While there they will meet her, find out what might go on next year, and generally get excited about Kindergarten!!
  • We begin our farm study in preparation for our Farm Field Trip on Monday, May 22.  We are reading farm stories.  We recognized the main characters and characters in the story.  We practiced making predictions based on the cover and title.  The children are absorbing these large literary concepts really well!

  • This week we finished our Mother's Day surprise!  Happy Mother's Day to all our mothers out there! We are so blessed through you. May the Lord continue to bless you!
  •  3P & 4K 2022-23 Scroll to the bottom for the most recent pictures! This demonstrates the things your children are learning.