Important Dates - Week of 02/20/2023
Events This Week
- 2/20
- LPS co-ed tourney team practice @ 3:15-4:45pm
- Worship @ 6:30pm
- 2/21
- Starting Point Bible information class @ 6:00pm
- 2/22
- Blood drive @ 12:00-5:00pm
- Ash Wednesday Worship
- 3:30/7:00pm
- Meal between services in church basement
- Crossroads youth group (5th-8th grade) @ 7:00pm
- 2/23
- Breakfast Bible study at Marly's restaurant @ 6:30am
- 2/24
- School chapel @ 8:05am
- JAM! @ 8:15am
- 3P/4K Track and Field Night @ 5:30pm
- 2/25
- Worship @ 5:15pm
- 2/26
- Worship @ 8:00/10:30am
- Grades 5/6 sing in both services
- "Love and Logic" parenting class @ 9:15am (TIGER room, upstairs in school)
- Bible study/Sunday school @ 9:15am
Upcoming Important Dates
- 2/27
- LPS co-ed tourney team practice @ 3:15-4:45pm
- Worship @ 6:30pm
- 2/28
- Starting Point Bible information class @ 6:00pm
- 3/1
- Lent Midweek Worship
- 3:30/7:00pm
- Meal between services in church basement
- Crossroads youth group (5th-8th grade) @ 7:00pm
- 3/2
- School Board meeting @ 6:30pm
- Parental Choice Program open forum
- 3/3
- LPS co-ed basketball tournament
- Grades 7/8 depart school at 7:30am on bus
- 3/4
- LPS co-ed basketball tournament
- Men of the Outdoors Sportsmen Breakfast @ 8:00am
- Worship @ 5:15pm
- 3/5
- Worship @ 8:00/10:30am
- Grades 3P/4K sing in both services
- "Love and Logic" parenting class @ 9:15am (TIGER room, upstairs in school)
- Bible study/Sunday school @ 9:15am