Cub Chatter - 1/27/2023
- From the desk of Mrs. D :)
- A happy heart makes the face cheerful! Proverbs 15:13
- Call, text, email Anytime
- 920-407-3000
Upcoming Events:
1/28/2023 - 5:15p - Worship Opportunity
1/29/2023 - 8:00 or 10:30a - Worship Opportunity
1/29/2023 - 9:10-10:20a - Parenting the Love and Logic Way (upstairs of the school)
1/30/2023 - Seal a Smile back at Emanuel
1/30/2023 - 6:30p - Worship Opportunity
2/3/2024 - 8:15a - JAM! Time
- This week we learned how Jesus came to be baptized. He didn't need to be baptized. He didn't need to be washed clean. He didn't need to do any of that, but he did just for us! We learned that baptism is the water and the word. God's word with the water is the sacrament that washes us clean. The Holy Spirit uses baptism to give us faith! What a great blessing to receive something we do not deserve! Thank you to those who sent baptism pictures. The children greatly enjoyed seeing themselves and others being baptized!
- Join us each Sunday morning from 9:10-10:20am in room 207(upstairs of the school) for a parent's discussion about strategies for practical and proven tools for raising respectful, responsible, and capable children. Childcare is provided. We will cover:
- Jan 29 - Putting an End to Arguing, Back Talk, and Begging
- Feb 5 - Teaching Responsibility Without Losing Their Love
- Feb 12 - Setting Limits Without Waging War
- Feb 19 - Avoiding Power Struggles
- Feb 26 - Guiding Kids to Own and Solve Their Problems
- Mar 05 - Teaching Kids to Complete Chores...Without Reminders
- We pray that many of you will be able to join us to gain some new tools to help raise capable children for Jesus! There are no fees or registration needed. Just come!
- Our extensive Snowman project continues! The creation stage has begun. This is a time-consuming step. As the children complete their snowman, pictures are taken to document their progress. The finished project pictures are being shared on the commons screen. Watch for your superstars on the big screen!
- With the end of the 2nd quarter watch for your child's cubby to move! Allow them to search for their names on Monday upon arrival. Watch for their pride in accomplishment when they find it!
- Also at the end of the 2nd quarter, we have the opportunity to conference together to review your child's progression report, successes, challenges, and plans for next year. We will schedule these conferences individually. I have during-the-day time slots and after-school spots open as well. If you haven't reached out to me to schedule a conference, I will be reaching out to you! I look forward to reviewing your child's growth!
- We are looking ahead to a celebration of love...showing Jesus' love! We will celebrate Valentine's Day in our classroom on February 13 & 14. Children are invited to share the love of Jesus with their friends by bringing a special Valentine for each friend. Please only place your child's name in the "from" spot so that it is possible for each child to hand out their own. If we place our friends' names on the cards, we can't read them to hand them out! These two days we will also invite special treats of all kinds, healthy and super fun! Any questions, please reach out!
- Please send warm snow clothes EVERY DAY!! Even when there isn't snow, we use them to stay warm!
- 3P & 4K 2022-23 scroll to the bottom for the most recent pictures! This demonstrates the things your children are learning.
- For our 3P and 4K students who also utilize Tiger Cub Care, hot lunch is now an option. The lunch menu is here!