Important Dates - Week of 10/17/2022
Events This Week
- 10/17
- Tiger Gruel cross country meet @ Hatten Park (4:30)
- Worship @ 6:30
- 10/18
- Scholastic Book Fair (on stage)
- Starting Point Bible course @ 6:00
- 10/19
- Scholastic Book Fair (on stage)
- Crossroads youth group (grades 5-8) @ 7:00
- 10/20
- Scholastic Book Fair (on stage)
- 10/21
- Grandparents' Day (early dismissal @ 11:30)
- Scholastic Book Fair (on stage)
- 10/22
- Worship @ 5:15
- 10/23
- Worship @ 8:00/10:30
- Grades 7/8 sing in both services
- Sunday School @ 9:15
- FORWARD open forum @ 9:00
- Bells Alive! @ 5:00
Upcoming Important Dates
- 10/26
- End of 1st Quarter
- 10/27-10/28
- No School - State Teachers' Conference
- 11/1-11/3
- Parent/Teacher conferences
- 11/2
- Progression Party (3P/4K)
- 11/4
- No School - Professional Development