Cub Chatter - 9/2/2022
- From the desk of Mrs. D :)
- A happy heart makes the face cheerful! Proverbs 15:13
- Call, text, email Anytime
- 920-407-3000
Upcoming Events:
September 3, 2022 - 5:15p - Worship Opportunity
September 4, 2022 - 8:00a/10:30am - Worship Opportunity
September 5, 2022 - No Worship Opportunity
September 5. 2022 - Labor Day - No School
- "GOD'S ALMIGHTY POWER!" We made muscles and chanted these wordsb all week as we pondered how God made the whole world. We can't fathom how this happened! By faith, we believe. We are reminded of God's love for us every time we look around our world. He made the world for us because he loves us so much! We had a dance party on Wednesday. Check out our song all about creation!
- We are busy learning in all areas! Here are some of the Key Developmental Indicators that we have focused on: planning, reflection, emotions, community, building relationships, cooperative play, gross motor skills, speaking, reading, writing,spatial awareness, art, music, and pretend play. There are many more! These are the ones we chose to focus on! As you can see, our days are full of learning!
- We had the great blessing of experiencing monarch caterpillars, their chrysalis, and then butterflies! What a great visual experience of God's creation!
- Here are our pictures so far! This is an ongoing photo album of the year! Come back and check it out often! 3P & 4K 2022-23
- Each Friday our classroom newsletter, the Cub Chatter, will be emailed and blogged for your information. Please review it carefully to stay in the know!
- Please send a water bottle and snack to school every day. Birthday treats are welcome, but not expected. Please reach out if you have questions about how that might work! We love to celebrate together!
- Parents of girls-if your daughter chooses to wear a skirt/dress to school, please have her wear shorts underneath. This helps with our modesty! Mrs. D tried it out on Wednesday, and it was so much cooler than pants!
- Watch for a church attendance form to appear in your child's folder later next week. This is a place for you to record when you attend church and where you go. It is so encouraging to me to see how we all worship our Lord!
- Milk is now available to our 3P and 4K students at snack. A carton of milk is 40 cents. This will be billed and paid for in Fast Direct. I ask that each family fill out this form so that I know if your child is able to have milk or if you would prefer to send something from home. Your child will not receive milk until I have this form filled out indicating your preference so that I know I am assisting you in your decision! Milk Confirmation Form
- For our 3P and 4K students who also utilize Tiger Cub Care, hot lunch is now an option. Your child may request hot lunch for $4 per lunch. This will be billed and paid for in Fast Direct. You will need to notify Mrs. D or Miss April in the morning of each day if your child would like lunch and which option they choose. The children will have their option delivered to the TCC room and eat there as normal. The lunch menu is here for your perusal!
We pray that you have a blessed, safe, and refreshing holiday weekend! Don't forget to get close to Jesus. We love hearing the children's stories of how they worship!