Cub Chatter - 9/16/2022


  • From the desk of Mrs. D :)
  • A happy heart makes the face cheerful! Proverbs 15:13
  • Call, text, email Anytime
  • 920-407-3000
Upcoming Events:
September 17, 2022 - 5:15p - Worship Opportunity                       
September 18, 2022 - All School Sing 8:00a last names A-J, 10:30a last names K-Z - Plan to join us!
September 19, 2022 - 6:30p - Worship Opportunity
September 30, 2022 - Tiger Cub Care closed due to no school
October 6, 2022 - Police & Fire Stations Field Trip - Info Coming Soon
October 21, 2022(YES a Friday!!) - 7:40-11:30 am - Grandparents Day - See Below

Please read the whole newsletter and fill out the forms!

  • Adam and Eve were blessed with two sons.  They grew and grew, and so did the sibling rivalry!  Cain made poor choices and did not give the best to the Lord.  Abel did give his best offering to the Lord.  The Lord was pleased with Abel's offering and not pleased with Cain's.  This made Cain angry with Abel and led to hatred toward his brother, eventually killing him.  The Lord wanted Cain to trust Him and ask for forgiveness.  This did not happen.  We want to use Cain as an example of what not to do.  We pray that the Lord keeps us strong and close to Him.  We pray that when we sin, we go to the Lord instead of away from him.  Stay in God's Word, close to Him, and He will strengthen you and your children!  He does forgive us and promises heaven!  What a comfort for our souls as we repeatedly sin!
  • We have the great opportunity to sing our Lord's praises!  Come and join us on Sunday. The children will walk forward when the pastor invites the school children up to sing.  They will return to sit with you for worship when done singing.  Can't wait to see them praising Jesus!
  • In the sinful world in which we live, it has become a necessity to practice if awful things would arise.  We will be practicing for a lockdown.  This drill practices what to do if there is an active threat inside our school.  We will prep the children on Monday explaining that there may be a wolf(the bad guy) in our building.  We are the sheep.  Our Good Shepherd Jesus will watch over us and keep us safe.  He has sent us, their teachers, to be their shepherds and keep them in the sheep pen.  On Tuesday we will practice the routines that would be put into place, God forbid, this would ever happen.  We pray that we never need to exercise these things for real and that the Lord protects us each and every day!
  • We are so excited to have our students invite their grandparents or other special people in their lives to come and share a morning at Emanuel with us!  On Friday, October 21, students are encouraged to bring their grandparents to school with them for the morning.  Remember, this is a half day(7:40-11:30 am).  If students' grandparents are unable to attend, please feel free to invite other special people in their lives to attend.  If a student does not have grandparents to attend, a GUEST GRANDPARENT can be requested.  A GUEST GRANDPARENT(new this year) is a member of our church family that volunteers to be a grandparent for a day with your child(ren).  In order to best serve our extended family and special guests, we are asking that you would RSVP.  This is especially important for those who might not have grandparents or special guests to invite.  In order to match up a special guest from our church family to your child(ren), we will need time to organize! We request that all families RSVP by Monday, September 26.  We are thrilled at the opportunity to share the love of Jesus that fills Emanuel every day with grandparents and special guests! Click here for the Grandparent's Day RSVP

  • Milk is now available to our 3P and 4K students at snack.  A carton of milk is 40 cents.  This will be billed and paid for in Fast Direct.  I ask that each family fill out this form so that I know if your child is able to have milk or if you would prefer to send something from home.  Your child will not receive milk until I have this form filled out indicating your preference so that I know I am assisting you in your decision!  Milk Confirmation Form
  • For our 3P and 4K students who also utilize Tiger Cub Care, hot lunch is now an option.  Your child may request hot lunch for $4 per lunch.  This will be billed and paid for in Fast Direct. You will need to notify Mrs. D or Miss April in the morning of each day if your child would like lunch and which option they choose.  The children will have their options delivered to the TCC room and eat there as normal.  The lunch menu is here for your perusal!   
  • We are busy learning in all areas!  Here are some of the Key Developmental Indicators that we have focused on: initiative, planning, problem-solving, reflection, building relationships, cooperative play, speaking, reading, writing, counting, spatial awareness, art, pretend play, measuring, alphabetic knowledge music, and movement.  There are many more!  These are the ones we chose to focus on!  As you can see, our days are full of learning!  If you have any questions about our learning, please reach out!  I love talking about learning with parents!
  • We continue monitoring our cocoons.  We let two more butterflies free in God's creation!
  • Here are our pictures so far!  This is an ongoing photo album of the year!  Come back and check it out often!  3P & 4K 2022-23  scroll to the bottom!
  • Please send a water bottle and snack to school every day. 
  • The church attendance form is in your child's folder!  This is a place for you to record when you attend church and where you go.  It is so encouraging to me to see how we all worship our Lord!