Cub Chatter - 4/29/2022


  • From the desk of Mrs. D :)
  • A happy heart makes the face cheerful! Proverbs 15:13
  • Call, text, email Anytime
  • 920-407-3000/
Upcoming Events:
April 30, 2022 - 5:15p - Worship Opportunity                       
May 1, 2022 - 8:00a/10:30a - Worship Opportunity - Confirmation of our church family 8th graders
May 2, 2022 - 6:30p - Worship Opportunity
May 23, 2022 - Field Trip to the Dobberstein Family Farm - Details coming in May!

Don't Forget a snack each day!

  • We are continuing our journey with Jesus.  This week we saw Jesus die on the cross.  We used a diorama of Golgatha and the tomb.  The children were very interested in how things looked and where they would be.  As we focused on all the wheres of everything, our hearts were opened to the hows and whys!  There were many extra hugs during Jesus time this week because their hearts were sad that their sins (and mine and yours) put Jesus on that cross.  Then we considered our JOY that Jesus was on that cross! Praise be to the Lord that He would put such a plan in place to save such sinners as us!  
  • We continued in Storytime to invite our forensics students to join us.  We saw hilarious plays, heard stories, and laughed at poems!  Your children have been encouraged that they can have that opportunity as well when they are "big kids!"
  • Our art project is top secret this week and next!  We will let you know that we are painting, but that's all!  These super special projects will come home next week!
  • Pastor Tiefel led us in chapel on Monday.  He reminded us that even though we do not see, we believe.  What a blessing from the Lord to have faith!
  • A very kind school family, the Backes, came in Thursday and set up an incubator!  We are very excited to be the "mamma chickens" for these 12 eggs.  We will be watching how they change, Vince(6th grade) will candle them for us, and ultimately we pray that the Lord will have some hatch for us in 20 days!  The countdown is on!

Invite Everyone to Join us at Emanuel!  We still have spots available for our 3P and 4K for next year!  Help us fill them up so we can learn about Jesus with as many as possible!!