04/27/2022 Principal's Note
Have you ever been lost before? Husbands, it's okay to say yes; otherwise, we'll have to ask your wives. Cliches aside, try to remember a moment when you were truly, hopelessly lost. Do you recall the feeling in the pit of your stomach when you realized your situation? I certainly do. When I was in third grade, I played soccer in our city's recreational league, along with my sister who is two years older. We had practice on the same night and had a midweek church service that we were supposed to attend afterward. My sister's classmate happened to be on her team as well, and her parents were going to pick us up from practice and bring us to meet my parents at church. Only, my sister forgot to tell them that. When her practice ended, they got into the car and drove to church, leaving me at the other end of the soccer fields as the sun started to set. I felt terrified, hopeless. Alone.
Do you ever feel like that now? Maybe you struggle with loneliness because you often are physically alone in your home. Or perhaps there is some past sin that has separated you from the ones you love emotionally, so even when you are in the same room as them, you still feel alone and hopeless. You walk through your life, terrified, wondering, "Is anyone going to come back for me? Will someone seek me out? Will I feel like this forever?"
God answers those questions in his Word: "Done. Done. No." In Luke, Jesus was eating with some "unsavory" people, and the religious and political elites of the time were turning up their noses at him. In response, Jesus said this to those leaders (and to us): "For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost" (Luke 19:10, NIV 2011). Jesus knows you. He knows everything about you, what you've done, what you've thought, what you've said. Even after knowing all of that, he came to earth and died for you anyway. You think you're alone? God says, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you" (Hebrews 13:5, NIV 2011). Amazing grace how sweet the sound, to the ears of those who feel hopeless!
My story had a happy ending. I found my way to the concession stand and had enough sense to ask the adults to call the church. Thankfully, my parents quickly came and picked me up (and I may have milked it for a little while after...). Jesus came for you. He left his perfect home in heaven to rescue you. When he was hanging on the cross, he willingly stayed there, with your name on his mind, until he died. Don't let feeling lost or lonely overwhelm you; instead, talk to your God. He is always there, and always ready to listen.
Have a blessed rest of your week!
In Christ,
Principal Bill Fuerstenau