Cub Chatter - 3/4/2022


  • From the desk of Mrs. D :)
  • A happy heart makes the face cheerful! Proverbs 15:13
  • Call, text, email Anytime
  • 920-407-3000/
Upcoming Events:
March 5, 2022 - 5:15p - Worship Opportunity                        
March 6, 2022 - 8:00a,10:30a - Worship Opportunity         
March 7, 2022 - 6:30p - Worship Opportunity                              
March 9, 2022 - 3:30&7:00 - Ash Wednesday Worship - Lenten Supper between
March 11, 2022 -  8:15-9:15a - JAM! Time 
March 14-18, 2022 - No School Spring Break
  • Walking on water is impossible!  The children all told me,"We need swimmies!"  Yet we learned that Jesus walked out to his disciples on the water.  He gave Peter the ability to walk on water too!  When Peter took his eyes off Jesus and saw the waves and danger, his faith that Jesus could save him faltered.  He began to sink and called out to Jesus to save him.  Of course, Jesus did and took him back to the boat.  The disciples were in awe and professed that He is truly the Son of God!  We get to call on Jesus too!  Go ahead, pray to Him with your children!  Not sure how?  Ask your child, he/she will teach you!  They have gotten very good at leading prayers!
  • We had a very busy art table this week!  We are decorating our bases for our Fang reading program.  Also, we are decorating placemats for our Lenten Supper!  Such an exciting time!
  • Our extra snack container has emptied again. Anyone willing to donate a snack, please drop them off when your child has class! All types of snacks are appreciated for when we might forget!

  • We are so excited to share Jesus with everyone, but we need your help!  We offer tours and enrollment information to all!  For those (yourself or others) who might be looking for help in the tuition department, check out the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program (WPCP).  It may provide families throughout the state with a full tuition voucher to attend the private or religious school of their choice. Click here to read more! Pass along to friends and family!