Cub Chatter - 3/25/2022


  • From the desk of Mrs. D :)
  • A happy heart makes the face cheerful! Proverbs 15:13
  • Call, text, email Anytime
  • 920-407-3000/
Upcoming Events:
March 26, 2022 - 5:15p - Worship Opportunity                        
March 27, 2022 - 8:00a,10:30a - Worship Opportunity
March 28, 2022 - 6:30p - Worship Opportunity                              
March 30, 2022 - 3:30&7:00 - Lenten Worship - Lenten Supper between
April 1, 2022 -  JAM! Time 

  • Jesus LOVES the little children!  This is a great message that we all need to hear.  It is good for the children to know that Jesus loved children and had time for them.  As grown-ups it is good for us to remember that we should love our children as Jesus did and have time for them.  It is very easy to be too busy, but this action from the disciples made Jesus angry.  Remember to take time with your children and read this devotion and others.  We can all be reminded, "We love because He first loved us!"
  • Don't forget the Fang reading program.  This is the end of the second Fang.  When the minutes are complete, return the Fang for the prize!  Fang number three will come home on Monday!
  • This week we took time in Storytime to have an author study.  We looked at books from Anna Dewdney.  She writes the "Llama, llama" books.  We learned that she loved children and wanted them to learn lessons from her books!
  • Today is the end of the 3rd Quarter!  Hard to believe we only have one more to go!  Watch for the progression reports to come home next week!
  • A big event coming up for our Emanuel family is our Accreditation Site Team visit.  This team visits to verify our self-study results and grant accreditation if successful.  This will be Monday through Wednesday, April 4-6.  A great opportunity for our school family to show our love for Jesus is to volunteer to prepare a portion of one of the lunches for them!  There are six team members, so not any army!  All food donations would need to come in Monday, April 4, before 11:00am.  They can be delivered to Mrs. D or the office.  If you are willing and able, Click to Volunteer!

Invite Everyone to Join us at Emanuel!

  • We are so excited to share Jesus with everyone, but we need your help!  Spots are currently still available!  We offer tours and enrollment information to all!  For those (yourself or others) who might be looking for help in the tuition department, check out the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program (WPCP).  It may provide families throughout the state with a full tuition voucher to attend the private or religious school of their choice. Click here to read more! Pass along to friends and family!