Cub Chatter - 2/11/2022


  • From the desk of Mrs. D :)
  • A happy heart makes the face cheerful! Proverbs 15:13
  • Call, text, email Anytime
  • 920-407-3000/
Upcoming Events:

Come and See - God's Word 

February 12, 2022 - 5:15p - Worship Opportunity     (click in for a video about Epiphany)                    
February 13, 2022 - 8:00a,10:30a - Worship Opportunity         
February 14, 2022 - 6:30p - Worship Opportunity                              
February 14&15, 2022 - Valentine's Day Celebrations (More info below)
February 14-18, 2022 - Spirit Week and Penny War
February 18, 2022 -  JAM! Time
February 25, 2022 - 3P/4K Track 'n' Field Night - Details coming soon! Save the Date!
February 27, 2022 - 8:00a&10:30a 3P&4K Sing in Church!

  • We were reminded all week to cast our cares on Jesus.  The lesson we learned was Jesus calming the storm.  The disciples did ultimately call on Jesus but look closely.  They used their fishermen skills first.  They talked to one another first.  When they had nowhere else to turn and in desperation, they called to Jesus.  Let this be a lesson to us, Jesus is our first call!  We pray that He helps us give Him everything first, not as the last result!  Check out the video of our lesson this week!

  • This week in storytime we read Valentine's stories.  The books showed us some great ways we might be able to share Jesus' love next week as we celebrate!
  • We will have a Valentine's celebration on February 14/15.  Special treats are welcome but not expected.  We will exchange Valentine's cards on those days as well. Please only place your child's name in the "from" spot.  Leave the "to" spot empty.  This way each child can hand out their own valentine cards without needing to read!  Thank you for your help in this!  4K please bring your cards on the 14th. 3P bring on the day you have class.  Following are the amounts of cards needed to give one per friend. 4K morning - 24. 4K afternoon - 29. 3P mornings - 20. 3P afternoons - 23.

  • SPIRIT WEEK!!  It's Coming!!  The penny war will begin on Monday, February 14.  If you are able, bring in all your pennies!  All donations are given to our 3rd quarter mission offering - Central African Medical Mission.  The class with the most wins the competition!!  We also have the opportunity to show our "A Team" basketball teams support by dressing up in silly ways all week.  I STRONGLY encourage all the children to participate.  It is a fun way for the whole school to be united. 
  •   Monday - Feb 14 - Pajama Day (being comfortable and bringing your stuffed animal encouraged; sleeping in class discouraged!)
  • Tuesday- Feb 15 - Crazy Day (dress as crazy as possible, but crazy behavior stays home😀)
  • Wednesday - February 16 - Career Day (Dress as what you want to be when you grow up!) 
  • Thursday - February 17 - Class Color Day (Our color is CAMO, wear as much camoflauge as possible.  If you don't have any, I will have extra!)
  • Friday - Feb 19 - Black & Gold Day (these are our colors, so wear them proudly!)

  • Track 'n' Field Night invitations will come home beginning on Monday!  This is a great evening of celebrating our little people from the Lord!  Let's come together for a meal provided - subs, chips, and water.  Then we will have all the little ones compete in silly track 'n' field events!  It is so much fun to get out with your child's class, meet some new people, see them competing for what might be the first time, and not worry about supper!!  It is February 25 from 5:30-7:00pm.  Praying you can all make it out!
  • The Christmas DVDs are available in the office.  Please stop by the office at your earliest convenience to pay the $2/copy and pick them up!