School News - Week of 01/03/2022
Chapel Offering Update
To date, we have collected $1,342.77 for our Emanuel radio ministry; that is enough to sponsor eight church services! We will be sponsoring the radio broadcast for this coming weekend, which brings God's Word into the homes of people who are unable to attend church in person. What a blessing!
Christmas Collection
We are so thankful to everyone who contributed, whether it was time, materials, or both, to our Christmas Collection this year. The children did a wonderful job delivering their care packages to our shut-in members and others and singing some Christmas carols to spread the love of Christ. People have poured out their appreciation to Emanuel.
Open House
Next week Tuesday, Emanuel will host an open house from 2:00-7:00. This event is to welcome new families who would like to join our Emanuel family next school year. If you know of a family who is looking for a new school home, let them know with the referral form that was sent home this week; if they return the form with your family's name on it, you are entered to win a $50 gift card of your choosing! Spread the word about how great it is to be a part of Emanuel!