Cub Chatter - 12/17/2021


  • From the desk of Mrs. D :)
  • A happy heart makes the face cheerful! Proverbs 15:13
  • Call, text, email Anytime
  • 920-407-3000/
Upcoming Events:
December 18, 2021 - 5:15pm  - Worship opportunity
December 19, 2021 - 8:00am & 10:30am
December 20, 2021 - 6:30pm - Worship opportunity
December 22, 2021-January 2, 2022 - Christmas Break
January 3, 2022 - School Resumes
January 11, 2022 - 2:00pm-7:00pm - Open House - enrollment begins for new to Emanuel families
  • The star in the sky was God's announcement to the world that His Son was born!  God was as excited as anyone to enact the salvation plan!  That star was noticed by some men from far away.   They traveled to find the new king and found a baby in Bethlehem.  Their joy was not contained and was demonstrated in their gifts - gold, incense, myrrh.  (We got to smell frankincense!)  May our joy drive us to do great things for our Savior as it did for the Magi.  May our excitement for the birth of our Savior be the center of all our celebrations!
  • Re-enrollment forms - Please return these forms as soon as possible to secure your child's spot at Emanuel for next year!  These forms can be returned to the classroom in their folders.  Please be aware that our school board has approved new class size caps.  This means that when we reach the cap, I am no longer able to "make a way" to get students in.  To assure that your child will have a spot for the 2022/23 school, please return that as soon as possible.  If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out any time!
  • Our experiment this week revolved around freeze and thaw.  We had plenty of natural examples from the Lord outside!  We worked on freezing water and melting snow.  We will definitely be looking at this again after Christmas time!
  • We went caroling Thursday and Friday!  What a great gift to share with these wonderful people!  We walked about three blocks, sang our songs in the common area, and then walked back.  I am not sure who enjoyed it more...the children or the audience!  The afternoon children were even making requests to sing and say more!  The love of Jesus in action!💖  Here are our pictures!
  • We are nearing our celebration of the Savior's birth.  We will celebrate the two days before Christmas break, December 20 and 21 with Christmas snacks.  You are invited to bring a special snack either day.  With many bringing snacks, please plan to bring 8-10 servings.  This ends up being plenty!  
  • Christmas Collection is going so well!  We are amazed and blessed by your generosity!  We gathered 236 cans of chicken noodle soup!  The next step in the Stay Warm/Stay Healthy packages is DELIVERY!  We will be delivering all of these items on Monday, December 20, starting at 8:00am and again at 12:00pm, and Tuesday, December 21, starting at 8:00am.  If you are excited and able to join us, we could use more drivers!  Please reach out text, email, or call  to sign up for driving!