08/31/2022 Principal's Note
Making decisions can be exhausting. Have you ever stopped and tried to count all the decisions you make each day? What time to get up, what to have for breakfast, how much coffee do you REALLY need to make/drink (the answer is always more than you think), which clothes to wear, who gets to use the shower first, which clothes your kids will wear, what the kids will have for breakfast, who is going to feed the dog, what time you need to leave so you aren't late, who is driving, which child sits where in the car...and all before you even leave for the day! Maybe your job is full of decision-making responsibilities too; I know how that goes. Whether you view the decisions you make as small and insignificant, earth-shatteringly important, or somewhere in between, they add up quickly. Constantly having to make decisions can be exhausting; don't take my word for it, check this out . Experts don't necessarily agree on it yet, but they are studying "decision fatigue" as a...